Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Journal Entry 1

I enjoy distance learning courses. I must admit they are very intense and require a lot of time to grasp the various concepts. I like a good challenge and I intend to do my best. So far, I like the way the course is organized. The information is clear and concise. I've skimmed through the first book a little, and it is a great read! This is one book which will be in my private library. I do plan to practice on the wiki and blog site. I enjoy learning and expanding my knowledge.


JFisher said...

Journal Entry 2

My two major personal attributes that affect me in the DE environment are time management and committment to learning. As I juggle many projects each day, time management is necessary and imperative in order for me to complete various tasks. I wear many hats, which change from hour to hour. It is necessary for me to be alert and manage my time, sometimes very precisely. In order to be successful in the DE environment, I allot myself so much time to reading, absorbing the materials, computer interactions, and navigating the various applications. So far, I have sort of struggled amongst getting exactly to the applications which I need. The wiki, the blog, and the discusiion board appear to be sort of unrelated. As I have noted previously, I was comfortable with the Blackboard, one signon, one application. Although these applications are on our main wiki page, and therefore related, I have had issues with getting to the discussion board. The discussion board sign on continues to throw me for a loop. In order to alleviate this issue, I have saved the logon site in my favorites. Once again time management creeps up, and I know that I need to schedule more time navigating these various sites.

My committment to learning is basically all inclusive within my life. This committment encompasses me personally and professionally. My mom's favorite quote, "Knowledge is the key to success." I enjoy learning, and I always welcome the challenge.

My interactions with Judy, and the class members have been positive. The course is well structured and class members are friendly, encouraging, and extremely knowledgable. It appears that time management and committment to learning is embraced by all of us.


JFisher said...

Journal Entry 3

How am I doing in regards to the following: learner responsibilities, prior knowledge, learning styles, and attitudes?

Learner responsibilities put me in the driver seat in relation to aquiring knowledge and staying abreast of materials, guidelines, projects, etc. This past week, my son has been sick, so I was Dr. Mom for a while. Time management is a critical factor in the learners responsibilities. Time, just being able to manage time, and being flexible is a major responsibility in a distance learning class. So, as I sat in the doctor's office, I was able to read some articles, and focus on my group project. I do appreciate the calendar that Judy provided, it is keeping me on schedule.

Prior knowledge.
Well, I have had distance learning courses before, always on the Blackboard. It is taking some adjustment to the new applications, but that is going fine also. I still need more practice - I sort of goofed up my usernames and passwords for the various applications.

Learning Styles and Attitudes:
I am enjoying the book, Building Online Learning Communities. It is very interesting when you look at the various online communities and their purpose or mission.

"Our relationships are far more complex because of our increasing network of associates and are enhanced by post-modern technological developments." (pg. 35)

rkahler said...

Hey Juenethia,

I read your posts, and I have to say I find a lot in common with you in regard to the time management piece...I sometimes think that my problem with time management is that there is not time left in the day for me to manage. Given the fact that I am on vacation in Portland Oregon right now, and writing this when I should be enjoying what is left of the day...I think it's pretty obvious that I need some pointers in that area.

anyway, I found that I really agreed with a lot of what you had to say about the randomness of the various parts of our assignments between the wiki, discussion pages, blogs et al. It seems that we have technology for a purpose, we forget what that purpose was, and then we develop more technology to try to figure it all out, and so on. What we end up with in our educational environment ends up looking a lot like our work places with a whole boat load of software and hardware, half of which is probably unnecessary...

i'm interested to see what you think.

