Friday, March 20, 2009

Blog 7 - Anchored Instruction

Anchored instruction uses technology-based learning to encourage students and teachers to create and solve complex, practical problems. John Bransford provided leadership to the Cognition & Technology Group at Vanderbilt (CTGV), and their initial focus included the design of interactive videodisc tools that produced thought-provoking educational experiences for teachers and learners. The “anchors” or stories posed real life situations and included people, places, and things that students could relate to. When using technology in the classroom, I believe that these two principles must be incorporated into curriculum:

1. Learning and teaching activities should be designed around an “anchor” which should be some sort of question, case study or problem situation.
2. Curriculum materials should allow exploration by the learner (e.g., interactive videodisc programs, Blogs, Wikis, and WebQuests). (Bransford, 1990)

The Adventures of Jasper Woodbury is an example of anchored instruction that has been used in reading, language arts, and mathematics in various grades. Since classrooms are different from the natural learning environments, it is imperative to make sure the learner is able to view knowledge, and education as fairly applicable to real world scenarios. By giving the students a story, and a mission to accomplish, the Jasper adventures engage students in their quest for knowledge. The videodisc is generally a 17-minute video voyage that ends in a multifaceted challenge. The lessons are designed like a first-class detective story where all the data necessary to solve the escapade (plus additional data that are not relevant to the solution) are embedded in the story. One of the Jasper series includes a module that focuses on complex trip planning; it is called Journey to Cedar Creek,

In my opinion, Anchored instruction offers a solid foundation for technology based learning. Instructors must be proactive and forward thinking by including the Internet, various technologies, and new software applications in the learning process. When an anchor or story is added into the curriculum, the student is able to use problem-solving skills and focus on the task required in the educational activity. Internet use in classrooms, are enhanced by web-based communications such as, Blogs, Wikis, and WebQuests which can provide interaction and active engagement for both online, and face-to-face classes. The bonuses to the students and teachers include an interactive knowledge base, exploration, transfer of skills, and practice using new technologies.

The Just-in-Time (JiTT) Blogging approach provides an anchor, which instructors use as preclass assignments to gauge students understanding of course concepts. The following questions provide the anchor, which employs the student in the pursuit of knowledge. Higdon and Topaz (2009), state that the JiTT methodology involves three basic steps:

1. Prior to class students briefly respond to the following questions:
What is the most difficult part of the material we will be discussing the next class?
What is the most interesting aspect of this material? How is it relevant to you and/or your career?

2. The instructor scans the responses and uses a public rubric for grading.

3. The instructor uses the information to adjust the class time accordingly in order to focus on the interests, and issues which the student’s raised in their responses.

Web 2.0 technologies enable student participation in the preclass journaling activities, by using a combination of social software tools, namely Blogs (e.g.,, Wikis (e.g., and RSS syndication (e.g.,, a technology that enables blog entries from multiple sources to be aggregated into a single digital location. Technology is amazing! By using the right tools and software, we can interact with students, and devise a great learning experience. Here are some the basic steps:

Students can create a blog on or any public blogging site, and email the instructor the blog’s RSS feed or link.
Instructors create the wiki.
Instructors syndicate all of the student’s information into the wiki.
Students send in their blogs by the predetermined deadline date.
Instructors scan and grade the student submissions. The wiki provides an automatic update so the instructor does not have to visit each blog.

WebQuests are another example of an exciting learning challenge that supports the use of an anchor or storyline. WebQuests are inquiry-based activities that compel students to use web-based resources and tools which transform their learning into understanding of real-world projects. A WebQuest consists of an introduction which sets the stage of the project. The task must be doable and motivating. The instructor should have a set of information resources available to the students. Also there ought to be a clear process in place with guidance and organizational frameworks. The conclusion should provide reflection of the learning process and give closure to the project. Here are a few links which provide guidance on WebQuests:

In our current class, Using the Internet in the Classroom, Dr. Judy Lambert has bestowed the class a wealth of information, and provided us with hands on experience using an assortment of technologies and software. We have familiarity with Wikis, Blogs, Podcasting, Web 2.0, Gaming, Simulations, VR, etc. Anchored instruction appears to have been the base of this technologically fascinating experience. In my opinion, the groundwork of Anchored instruction was incorporated in this class because each module had a topic, subject, question, or anchor which was the focus of exploration.

A constructive learning environment is evident when instructors properly use the Internet in the classroom. A learner-centered atmosphere takes into consideration the learners wants, needs, and desires. Knowledge-centered environments include disciplinary content as well as factual transfer of knowledge. Ongoing formative feedback and opportunities for students to make suggestions gives the journey an assessment-centered aura. The entire occurrence is community-centered because students have prospect to work together, to discover together, and to build relationships by using this fresh knowledge outside of the classroom. In conclusion, the anchors and exploration of technology in the classroom provides a holistic and positive space for all to enjoy the journey of scholarship.


Bransford, J. (1990). Anchored Instruction. Retrieved from class wiki.

Higdon, J., & Topaz, C. (2009). Blogs and Wikis as Instructional Tools. College Teaching, 57(2), 105-109. Retrieved March 16, 2009.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Blog 6 - Bringing Internet enabled computers to class

There are challenges and benefits faced by university professors when students bring their Internet ready laptops to class. The net generation is composed of technologically savvy multi-taskers who are comfortable with various forms of technology. In my opinion, communication poses challenges and benefits. A major challenge involves keeping the students focused on the class activities, and staying abreast of Internet safety. Since these students are multi-taskers, they can view and use several types of technologies simultaneously. As I viewed the various podcasts in the wiki, it was evident that many students were not focused on their classes. These students appeared bored, and they used class time to catch up on their emails, etc. The students pleaded for engaging classrooms which embraced new technologies and encompassed interaction. Also security is important because of cyber- bullying instances, and threats made over the Internet. Even at the college level, it is important to communicate Internet safety measures when students are online. Per the New Media Consortium, Social Networking, “The “Third Place,” and the Evolution of Communication”:

The vehicle for these changes is the Internet. Increasingly, it is the “third place” (the first and second places being home and work) where people connect with friends, watch television, listen to music, build a sense of togetherness with people across the world, and provide expressions of ourselves which are themselves forms of communication. As more people turn to the Internet for professional and social purposes, we are seeing new means of communication, new places to communicate, and new avenues of interaction unfold at a rapid pace.

A benefit of communication via the Internet focuses on the professor integrating several technologies into the class curriculum which can keep students occupied. In the article, “The Prose of Blogging (and a Few Cons, Too),” Ramasawami stated, “A Plethora of Technology," set out to show that blogging could improve students' writing skills by making them write more frequently and comment on one another's work. Also in the article, “Two to Three Years: Virtual Worlds,” NMC states that:

Virtual worlds can be used to create very effective learning spaces. Since they are generalized rather than contextual, they are applicable to almost all disciplines. Settings can be created to pertain to any subject or area of study; locations and artifacts can be as realistic and detailed, or as generic and undefined as desired. 3D construction tools allow easy visualization of physical objects and materials, even those normally occurring at cosmic or nano scales.

Using virtual worlds can be a great tool to connect students in a classroom with engaging activities. Carrie Windham made several good points about the net generation:
· Multi-taskers
· Social Creatures
· Computer is the center of student’s communication and social life
· Big 3 – cell phone, computer, MP3 player
· Mobility is important
I think that if instructors listened to their students and included engaging technologies into the classroom, a wireless computer could enhance classroom learning. In order to enhance communication, and keep students focused, professors must include various technologies, Father Google, and Mother IM into coursework.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Working in a Group on the Wiki

I enjoyed working with Group 3 on the group presentation. We were able to communicate with each other, and everyone added great information to the presentation. The technology really enhanced our interactions and communication. I liked the fact that our presentation was sort of a living/changing document. I didn't have any problems working in a group on this presentation. It is strange, but working in a group via the wiki/Internet was much easier than working in a group in a face to face class. Since my schedule is busy and hectic, I liked the fact that I could sign on at any time of day or night and add my information. Even when I was on vacation, I was able to sign in and continue my revisions.
